

MaxQuant.Live enables global targeting of more than 25,000 peptides Christoph Wichmann, Florian Meier, Sebastian Virreira Winter, Andreas-David Brunner, Juergen Cox, Mat-thias Mann doi: 1101/443838

The Targeting app allows the realization of various targeting strategies within on user interface. First, the list of targeting peptides has to be populated and afterward the targeting strategy has to be defined and the parameters have to be set.

Steps to setup a targeting run

  1. Populate the peptide list
  2. Set up targeting action
  3. Set global parameters

Peptide list

The targeting should comprise a set of peptides of interest and a set of high abundant peptides used for the real-time corrections of mass-to-charge values, expected retention times and peptide intensities. In order to get a reliable correction around 100 correction peptides per minute of the gradient is recommended. If the set of targeting peptides is large enough, it is sufficient to only use them as correction peptides.

Method parameter Description  
Id Identification number used in log messages optional
Modified sequence String containing the modified sequence optional; Needed if isotopic labeling is used
Mass Ion mass mandatory
Charge Ion charge state mandatory
Retention time Expected retention time (min) mandatory
Retention length Expected elution time (min) mandatory but can be set to 0.0
Intensity Expected intensity mandatory but can be set to 1.0
Collision Energies Collision energies for fragmentation (white space separated: 11 21 optional; if empty the global NCE is used
NCE List of NCE scaling factor for fragmentation (white space separated: 1.2 2.3) optional;

The required information of every peptide is the mass, the expected retention time, the retention length and its charge state. Additionally the modified sequence should be provided to be able to find the peptide later in the MaxQuant.Live log file. The expected intensity completes the set of peptides properties. Note here, that the retention length is currently not taken into account and can therefore also be set to a fixed number like 1. If you don’t have intensity information of the peptides it is also possible to set the intensities to one and choose the intensity threshold of the peptide recognition algorithm to a small value. The other columns contain checkboxes to enable actions called when the peptide is detected. The peptide table can either be populated manually or filled automatically by pasting a table from the clipboard. In the latter case, a tabular calculation program like Microsoft Excel can be used to set up the peptide list. Select the rows of peptides in Excel, copy to the clipboard and click on the paste icon in MaxQuant.Live to paste into the peptide list. Make sure that the header row is also copied and that it contains the same labels as the MaxQuant.Live peptide list. Only then MaxQuant.Live can map the columns correctly.

Setup of targeting actions

There are three ways to select targeting actions for peptides in the list 1. Click on the checkbox for every peptide manually 2. Select one or more peptides in the list, then select an action from the list of actions in the left panel and click on the check mark symbol in the middle. 3. Add a column with the name of the action to your peptide list in Excel and will it with the Boolean values TRUE or FALSE. When pasting the peptide in MaxQuant.Live, the software will set the checkboxes automatically.


The adaptive real-time correction adjusts the expected retention times based on the deviations of the peptide observed before. We refer to our article preprint in bioRxiv for more information about the real-time correction algorithm. We recommend to select around 100 peptides per minute ensure that the algorithm has enough statistic to take well-founded decisions. These peptide should be have a high intensity.

Parameter Description Default value
RetentionTimeWindow Retention time window size [min] 20
MzWindowBig Max mz window size [ppm] 20
MzWindowSmall Min mz window size [ppm] 9
SigmaScaleFactorRt Scaling factor for retention time window adjustment 3
PeptideHistoryLength Time span considered to calculate the corrections [min] 2
MinHistoryPeptides Minimum number of peptides used to calculate the corrections 50
IntensityThreshold   1.00E-05
PepdideDetectionIsoPeaks Number of isotopic peaks that need to be found 2
IsotopeTolerance Isotope mass tolerance [ppm] 9


Parameter Description Default value
BatMode Fragment ion in every cycle within the retention time, even if not detected FALSE
Prioritize Prioritize MS2 scan, if the peptide was not fragmented before TRUE
MaxNumOfScans Upper limit for the number of fragmentations per peptide. 0=no limit 0
WindowSize Size of the isolation window [th] 1.4
CollisionEnergy Collision energy for fragmentation 27
LifeTime Max time span before a scheduled MS2 scan get deleted [ms] 2000
MaxIT Maximum ion injection time (ms) 28
Resolution MS resolving power at m/z 200 15000
AgcTarget AGC target value (charges) 100000
PositiveMode Ion polarity TRUE


This action adds the SILAC label masses to the peptides masses in the list. The “Modified is used to calculate the number Arg and Lys amino acids. The masses of SILAC labels can be freely defined here.

SIM (Selected Ion Monitoring)

Parameter Description Default value
WindowOffset Shift the isolation window centers by this offset [th] 0
Isotopic label Masses of SILAC labels  
MaxIT Maximum ion injection time (ms) [not used] 50
MaxItLight /Heavy Maximum ion injection time for light/heavy channel (ms) 100
InjectTargetLight AGC target value for light/heavy peptide (charges) 50000
BatMode Fragment ion in every cycle within the retention time tolerance window, even if not detected FALSE
Prioritize Prioritize MS2 scan, if the peptide was not fragmented before TRUE
MaxNumOfScans Upper limit for the number of fragmentations per peptide. 0=no limit 0
WindowSize Size of the isolation windows [th] 1.4
CollisionEnergy Collision energy for fragmentation 0
LifeTime Max time span before a scheduled MS2 scan get deleted [ms] 1000
Resolution MS resolving power at m/z 200 30000
AgcTarget AGC target value (charges) 100000
PositiveMode Ion polarity TRUE


Parameter Description Default value
BatMode Exclude ion from TopN within the retention time tolerance window , even if not detected FALSE
StaticExclusionTime Time span the peptide is excluded from TopN (30) 30
AdaptiveExclusionTime Automatic exclusion of the peptide from TopN TRUE

Global Parameters


The survey scans for the peptide recognition can be either MS1 scan or BoxCar scan. The parameters are described in the BoxCar section.


The TopN strategy is applied on top of the targeting scans. Note, that peptides can also be excluded from being selected a precursor by using the “ExcludeFromTopN” feature.